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從 Android 手機恢復已刪除/遺失的資料。

Android 資料擷取損壞

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[Official] Retrieve Deleted Numbers on Samsung Galaxy

Samsung are essential for daily communication and rely on saved contacts. If contacts are lost, immediate recovery is crucial. This article will explain multiple methods for retrieving deleted numbers from a Samsung phone.


We use our phones regularly to call and communicate with people on a daily basis. Calling someone through their number is the most widely used method worldwide. Everyone has their unique numbers and we save that on our phone to call when needed.

All the numbers on our devices are saved in contacts. This application is critical to us as it holds contacts of important individuals. So if you lose these contacts from your phone, you will have to recover them immediately. In this article, I will be explaining to you multiple methods you can use to retrieve deleted contacts from Samsung.

Is It Possible To Retrieve Deleted Contacts From Samsung?

When you see that the contacts are missing from your Samsung device you might think that it is impossible to recover them. However, let me assure you that you can recover it using several methods. 

There are three best methods you can use to retrieve deleted contacts from your Samsung device, these are using Gmail, Samsung Cloud, and data recovery software. Here below you will find the step-by-step guide on how you can recover your contacts. In the case of Gmail and Samsung Cloud, you have to sync your device with these applications to recover the data.

If by any chance you don't have backups or your device synced then it will be hard for you to recover the data. This is why you will need data recovery software for Android. 

How To Retrieve Deleted Samsung Numbers From Gmail Account

The first method you can use is by checking Google Contacts for the missing data. When you first get your device you are required to open a Gmail account and sync your contacts with it. In this way, all of your contacts that are saved on your device are also saved in Google Contacts.

To retrieve deleted contacts of your Samsung device using the Gmail account follow the guide below. 

Step 1: Open the browser on your computer and search Gmail. Once you get to the official site of Gmail log into that using your Gmail account and password.

從 Gmail 帳戶中檢索已刪除的三星號碼

Step 2: Once you have logged in you will find a nine-dot icon on the top right of your screen. This is the Google Apps icon and in there you will find Contacts. Click on it.

Step 3: After you get into the Contacts click on the Settings option which is on the top right of your screen. Now you can see the Undo Changes option.

Gmail 帳戶聯絡人恢復

Step 4: By clicking on Undo Changes you will be presented with 5 options. From here you have to decide what time you want to choose. I would recommend you choose the time which will take you to the last time you saw the contact on your Samsung. After selecting and clicking on Undo you will recover all the Contacts to your Samsung device.

How To Recover Deleted Contacts From Samsung Cloud

The second method is exclusive to all Samsung users. Since the beginning of your device, you are asked to sign up for Samsung Cloud. This is a cloud storage service provided by Samsung for all of its devices. Once you sign up all the data stored in your device will be synced with the Samsung Cloud Drive.

In this way, in case of an emergency or while changing a device you can restore the data to your device from the backed-up files. To recover deleted contacts from Samsung Cloud follow the guide below.

Step 1: Go to the Settings app from your drive and on the search bar type Cloud and Accounts. 

Step 2: Then you will get the option Samsung Cloud. Click on that.

Step 3: After that, you will find the option Restore Data. By clicking on this you will be presented will all the files that are regularly backed up by Samsung Cloud. 

Step 4: From here you have to choose Contacts and make sure there is a checkmark in front of it. After that, the Restore button will appear. By clicking on Restore you will download all the Contacts from the last backup.


How To Retrieve Deleted Samsung Contacts Without Backups

If you are in a situation where you don't have your contacts synced with your Google Account and didn't sign up for Samsung Cloud then the methods explained above will not work for you. So in this case you have to use the third method which is using an iBekit Android Data Recovery Software. 

我將透過使用 iBekit Android Data Recovery 向您解釋此方法。這是一款專門用於從三星裝置恢復遺失資料的資料恢復軟體。您也可以使用 iBekit Android 資料還原從破屏的 Android 裝置中還原資料並執行備份。 

iBekit Android 資料恢復將掃描您的裝置以查找所有可恢復的已刪除聯絡人、照片、音訊、視訊、訊息等。

從 Android 手機恢復已刪除/遺失的資料。

按照下面的逐步指南,使用 iBekit Android 資料恢復從三星恢復已刪除的聯絡人。

步驟1:在您的電腦上下載並安裝iBekit Android Data Recovery並將其開啟。在主畫面上,您將看到三個不同的選項,按一下「Android 資料復原」


步驟 2:點選後,系統會要求您使用 USB 連接線將裝置連接到電腦。要成功連接,您必須從三星開啟USB 偵錯。您可以按照軟體中提供的指南將其開啟。

三星的 USB 偵錯

步驟 3:開啟 USB 偵錯後,軟體將開始掃描您的裝置並向您顯示應用程式。掃描後,在「聯絡人和訊息」下,您將找到「聯絡人」。選擇它並按一下“下一步”


步驟 4:現在,軟體將開始再次掃描三星裝置中已刪除的聯絡人,並向您顯示已恢復的所有資料的清單。之後,您將能夠單獨選擇聯絡人並按一下「恢復」。這會將選定的聯絡人下載到您的電腦。



從 Android 手機恢復已刪除/遺失的資料。


看到手機上的聯絡人遺失可能會讓人感到沮喪。但是,您可以使用這三種方法來成功恢復遺失的資料。我建議您使用 iBekit Android 資料恢復從三星恢復已刪除的號碼,因為它提供了安全可靠的解決方案。 
